
Mental Health Awareness Week 2019

It’s Mental Health Awareness week, a campaign that I support and promote as much as possible and in this post, I’d like to talk about stress, something we all feel in varying degrees in our daily lives and something I am struggling through as I type! 

What with the social expectations of being professionally successful, having a large income, a beautiful house, eating healthily, spending at least an hour in the gym every day, having a busy social life, making time to see your family and ensuring the kids aren’t malnourished, neglected and make it to all their extracurriculars every week, life can be pretty intense.

Stress and Mental Health in The Workplace

In this post, I want to raise awareness of stress and mental health in the workplace, as Mind.org.uk say, “Prioritising the mental health of your staff needs to be core business in your organisation”.
Research conducted by Mind shows that:

·        More than one in five employees agreed that they had called in sick to avoid work when asked how workplace stress had affected them.
·        14 per cent agreed that they had resigned and 42 per cent had considered resigning when asked how workplace stress had affected them.
·        30 per cent of staff disagreed with the statement ‘I would feel able to talk openly with my line manager if I was feeling stressed’.
·        56 per cent of employers said they would like to do more to improve staff well being but don't feel they have the right training or guidance.
I know that when I was an employee, I could certainly agree with several of these statements. But it doesn’t have to be that way for your business and employees!

What can you do?

There are so many resources available to you from Mind.org.uk, who have a wide selection of training programmes such as:

  • Mental Health Awareness training
  • Managing Mental Health at Work training
  • Customer Support and Mental Health training
  • Emotional Intelligence and Resilience training

They will soon be launching their e-learning platform specifically focusing on mental health awareness at work and can even arrange training sessions for your employees at your office.

The Mental Health Foundation have a large selection of publications, papers and reports which can be ordered in hard copy or printed as a PDF, on subjects such as:

  • How to manage and reduce stress
  • Added Value: Mental Health as a Workplace Asset 
  • Managing Mental Health in the Workplace
  • How to Sleep Better
And many more, all of which you could print and leave in break out areas in your office.

The Benefits

By implementing simple and relatively cheap ideas to your workplace, the effects (detailed in Mind’s Mentally Healthy Workplaces booklet) could be:

  • An increase in productivity, efficiency and innovation 
  • An increase in profits and reduced business costs
  • Improved staff morale and performance
  • A reduction in absence and staff turnover
  • An enhanced reputation as an employer
  • Help you to honour your duty of care as an employer
Here are just a few of my tips for helping to raise awareness of Mental Health in the workplace:

  • Order relevant booklets and publications and keep a catalogue of these in your break out areas for employees to read through
  • Encourage employees to take a walk at lunch, or on their break. It's know that spending time in nature can help reduce stress
  • If you have space, investigate holding before or after work Yoga, Pilates or breathing exercise classes at the office.
  • Instead of bringing in biscuits and cake to the office (delicious though they are), stock up on healthy snacks like carrot sticks, strawberries, grapes and apples which will help your employees get in their 5-a-day.
  • Promote flexible working practices, helping your employees find that coveted work/life balance. 
  • Praise your employees and acknowledge their efforts.
  • Open the windows. Research shows that exposing your lungs to fresh air, and the scents of flowers and plants can help to relieve stress.
  • Take advantage of all the free resources provided by Mind and the Mental Health Foundation to learn and put in place policies and procedures to help manage the mental health and stress of your employees.
  • Take a training course to really understand how improving the mental health in your workplace can benefit your business.

Raise Awareness

To raise awareness of mental health and Mental Health Awareness week, make sure to wear your green ribbon pin badge, find them here: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/green-ribbon-pin-badges

And to find out more from Mind.org.uk and The Mental Health Foundation, click the links below:

I hope this post has been helpful and insightful and I wish you all a stress-free week!

See you soon!


Photo by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash
Photo by sharon wright on Unsplash

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