
HMRC Webinars

This week I want to talk about the supremely useful webinars that the HMRC provide.

I have joined several of the live webinars and have found every single one of them to be like a mini training session directly from the HMRC, and I have learnt so much from them - they are now an invaluable resource to me and I don’t know what I would do without them.

The webinars are conducted live on lots of different topics ranging from help and support for VAT, the Construction Industry Scheme and being self-employed.

If you can’t make a live session, no need to panic as you can always view pre-recorded versions on their website. I try to make sure I book a slot convenient to me every couple of weeks to check out any new and relevant webinars. I found the following webinars particularly useful, click the links below to check them out:

·        Statutory pay
·        Introduction to VAT
·        VAT on motoring expenses

I don’t find the HMRC website particularly user friendly however, the webinars they organise are bite sized for easy brain digestion, but long enough to help you fully understand the principles and the presenters are always friendly and helpful. I try to take a few notes on each one so as I have a stock of handy reference notes, I can refer to easily (though I do take notes for EVERYTHING).

A bonus for the live sessions is that you can ask questions as you go and get a response from an advisor. It’s a fantastic resource that I would recommend to any business, no matter the size.

To sign up for business support and education emails from HMRC on their website at the link below, this is where you can also find their list of pre-recorded webinars and information about the dates for the next live ones: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/hmrc-webinars-email-alerts-and-videos

I hope this post has been helpful and insightful and I wish you all productive week!

Speak to you soon!


 Image by Ivory Mix
Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash
Photo by STIL on Unsplash
Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash


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